Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Trump on Respecting the Flag: Three Strikes and He’s Out

  • “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams, 2nd President of the United States.
  • The flag stands for freedom of speech.that must be respected above the symbol. Those who died for freedoms are respected, but the US is changing.

    Trump made three comments for respecting the flag. (Newser.com) He would say “You’re fired” to those who don’t “respect” the flag, but let’s look again.

    #1. The flag is a symbol of the nation, “conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men were created equal.” But since its conception, this baby has changed and is in danger of abortion. This is not the same nation as when Washington, Jefferson or Lincoln lived.

    #2. Respect is “admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.” What the pioneers lived for… what men in service die for, is fast-fading. “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams, 2nd President of the United States.

    #3. Obama said, “Change has come to America.” His unwillingness to pledge allegiance was overlooked. Respect is like love. It cannot be commanded or forced. Forced love is rape. Forced respect is rape of the mind. An employee can fired, but he shouldn’t be robbed of freedom of expression.

    Disrespect for our government is earned by congress. When confronted by medical literature that prescription drugs were a leading cause of death, a senator said, “You are wasting your time, they own us,” speaking of drug donations for re-election. They wrote most of Obamacare.

    Richard Ruhling, MD, author of God Bless America? on Amazon, http://amzn.to/2grtEQx has further information at http://News4Living.wordpress.com

    Contact Detail:

    Company Name: Total Health
    Contact Person: Richard Ruhling
    Email: Ruhling7@juno.com
    Phone No: 9285837543
    State: Arizona
    Country: United States
    Website Url: http://RichardRuhling.com

    Source: www.PRExhibition.com

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    Saturday, 23 September 2017

    High Noon, September 23 and No Rapture!

  • “We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom,” Acts 14::22
  • Millions may be looking for the end of days and feel disappointed; isn’t it time for a fresh look?

    In the face of no rapture, many believers may not know where to draw the line between what they believe or don’t believe, says Dr. Richard Ruhling, author on current events and Bible prophecy.  https://plus.google.com/117578637179201280972/posts/WpQt14k7Ftz

    Several overlooked facts might be helpful:

    #1. The wedding parables may be misunderstood as a rapture. Women who missed the wedding lacked oil for their lamps, and the oil comes from the two olive trees in Zechariah 4. The Old Testament (olive tree) shows that God executed judgment on Egypt and took Israel to a covenant and later said, “I am married to you,” Jer 3:14.

    That’s how Christians can marry the Bridegroom. Paul included the Exodus in “all those things happened to them for examples…ends of the world.” 1Cor 10:1,11.

    #2. The Bible calls Israel God’s “first-born,” Exod 4:22. The Great Sign of Revelation 12 includes pregnancy—a nine-month period and childbirth. This can easily be next spring as the wedding parables ALL have Passover imagery. Israel was birthed at Passover and made a covenant at Pentecost 50 days later—timing that fits the “Great Sign” described on numerous YouTube videos.

    #3. Why should God be expected to rapture the last church that the Bible describes as wretched…blind and naked? Rev 3:17.  

    #4. The rapture is “at the last trumpet” in 1Cor 15:52. Let’s not forget there are seven trumpets that begin after an earthquake big enough to mention? Rev 8:5,6.

    #5. The good news is that nobody has missed the real deal, and anyone who chooses can be ready for it with an open mind and a continued seeking to understand the Bible.

    Richard Ruhling offers more information at  http://thebridegroomcomes.com/  and his ebook, God Bless America? is free Saturday, Sept 23 at http://amzn.to/2grtEQx 

    Contact Detail:

    Company Name: Total Health
    Contact Person: Dr. Richard Ruhling
    Email: Ruhling7@juno.com
    Phone No: 9285837543
    State: Arizona
    Country: United States
    Website Url: http://RichardRuhling.com

    Source: www.PRExhibition.com

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    Wednesday, 20 September 2017

    StreamNet.TV Premiers National TV Crowdfunding Commercial SNTV Symbol Reserved at the NYSE

    LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, UNITED STATES-  September 20, 2017- StreamNet, Inc. launches national and regional crowdfunding TV commercials in the USA. Says CEO Darryl Payne, I feel we are in a unique position to change the way companies traditionally raise money in the crowdfunding space. TV is truly the biggest avenue to bring awareness to this offering. Our team is relentlessly at work behind the scenes. We are also developing new ways for consumers to enjoy and view content. The legal department remains on track for our company to trade on the NYSE in early 2018. The symbol SNTV was reserved for us by the NYSE. I welcome all underwriters and broker dealers to enter direct conversations with us. 

    StreamNet.TV Commercial:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnDwV9AePw8 

    StreamNet.TV would like to compete with Netflix, Hulu, Apple TV, YouTube, & Amazon Prime. Many channels will be available to consumers in HD, Virtual Reality, & 3D Commercial Free.

    SEC Qualification: 


    What is Regulation A+ 

    Reg A+ of Title IV of the JOBS Act is a type of offering which allows private companies to raise up to $50 Million from the public. Like an IPO, Reg A+ allows companies to offer shares to the public and not just accredited investors.

    StreamNet.TV: Building upon its direct relationships with legendary performers. Through the bridge of technology, the Company will deliver cross platform interaction to expand reach while improving the creators’ and consumer value model. StreamNet has taken various steps to become the next major streaming platform. Many high-profile titles already secured. 

    Our Streaming Media Pay-Per-View Platform is currently live. Video content will be available for consumers to stream on over 400 mobile devices. Subscribers will be at the front line as our Ultra High Definition standard. 

    Darryl Payne has a career spanning 41 years as a music producer and label owner. He has accumulated an extensive library of more than 40,000 masters and television shows featuring the world’s biggest entertainers. Mr. Payne’s produced concerts are recognized around the globe. His catalogs are used by music companies and television networks reaching into millions of homes.

    Interested investors can send an email for additional information.

    www.StreamNet.TV — info@streamnet.tv 

    Safe Harbor Statement: This press release contains forward-looking statements, including expected industry patterns and other financial and business results that involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements to differ materially from results expressed or implied by this press release. Actual results may differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements in this press release. Since this information may contain statements that involve risk and uncertainties and are subject to change at any time, the company’s actual results may differ materially from expected results. 

    Contact Detail:

    Company Name: StreamNet.TV
    Contact Person: Darryl Payne, CEO
    Email: Info@StreamNet.tv
    Phone No: 702 721 9915
    Country: United States
    Website Url: http://www.StreamNet.TV

    Source: www.PRExhibition.com

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    The Embroidery Coach Offers Temporary Replay of Underlay Stitching

  • “You can create crisp clean designs that will make your customers want to come back for more.”
  • Joyce Jagger, award-winning business owner and coach to the commercial embroidery businesses offers replay due to heavy storms

    Binghamton, NY: Due to the destructive storms which affected several different areas of the country, Joyce Jagger, The Embroidery Coach, was asked to offer a replay on her August training for embroidery business owners.  Joyce normally limits the replay availability to those who are a member of the Embroidery Training Resource Center. To help businesses who may be in recovery mode after the storm, she makes this training available to anyone interested in learning about Underlay Stitching.

    Houston and South Texas were hit hard with Harvey, while Florida and the East Coast had to deal with Irma. Both areas are in a long-term recovery process as millions lost property, business and lives. Many people communicated they were not able to watch the training because of the storm or had no internet access.  Joyce created a special page on her website where anyone can watch the replay. She will offer a replay and make the training available until midnight, Friday, September 22.!  Joyce does not want anyone to miss out on the training if it helps an embroidery business. The link to the replay is https://theembroiderycoach.com/embroidery-business-training-monthly-replay/.

    In this training, Joyce teaches “How To Use The Right Underlay Stitching In Embroidery Designs.” Before she could understand and grasp the concept of using Underlay Stitching, Joyce attended several workshops at trade shows and spent many hours experimenting with different settings in her software. With this FREE training, Joyce shows how, “You can create crisp clean designs that will make your customers want to come back for more.”

    About Joyce Jagger, The Embroidery Coach

    Joyce Jagger is an award-winning business owner and coach to commercial embroidery businesses. As The Embroidery Coach, Joyce teaches new businesses how to start on the right path, and existing businesses how to increase their bottom line. Her goal is to see that every embroiderer has the right systems, processes, and tools in place to prevent them from making the same costly mistakes she made.

    Joyce’s business offers multiple video trainings, onsite training, and a book called “The Truth About Embroidery Business Success.” She has also written articles for “Stitches Magazine” and “Wearables Magazine,” and spoke at numerous tradeshows.

    Joyce has received many awards for her work as The Embroidery Coach. Stitches Magazine honored Joyce in June of 2010 with the distinction of being one of “20 Creative Thinkers.” In December 2010, Stitches Magazine ranked her at #28 of the 56 “Most Powerful People” in the apparel decorating industry. Stitches Magazine honored Joyce again in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 as one of the “75 Most Influential People in the apparel decorating industry.”

    Joyce also helped the Apparel & Design Department at Rhode Island School of Design add Embroidery with their curriculum.

    For additional information on Joyce Jagger – http://theembroiderycoach.com/

    To reach The Embroidery Coach, Joyce Jagger or schedule an interview:

    Contact publicist Sandy Lawrence:



    Contact Detail:

    Company Name: Perceptive Public Relations
    Contact Person: Sandy Lawrence
    Email: sandylawrence@perceptivemarketing.com
    Phone No: 2819898892
    Address: 13202 Dogwood Blossom Trail
    City: Houston
    State: Texas
    Country: United States
    Website Url: www.perceptivepublicrelations.com

    Source: www.PRExhibition.com

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    Tuesday, 19 September 2017

    Sign in Sky September 23 Misunderstands Revelation 12 as End of World or Rapture says Prophecy Expert

  • “When they say ‘Peace and safety,’ sudden destruction comes.” (The apostle Paul.) The UN International Day of Peace theme for September 21 is “Peace and…safety.”
  • A complex convergence of constellations and planets is seen as a the “Great Sign” of Revelation 12, but it’s misunderstood by some as the end of days.

    The Great Sign of Revelation 12 on September 23

    Media Mock Meade’s Misunderstanding of a Sign in Sky September 23 as ‘End of Days and Rapture,’ says Dr. Richard Ruhling, author of God Bless America? He explains the ‘Great Sign of Revelation 12’ is not apocalyptic  for September 23, but its nine months ‘pregnancy’ points to next spring…

    According to astronomers, a complex convergence of aligning planets and constellations will unfold over 9 months, and it fits the Bible’s description: September 23, 2017, the sun will be in Virgo, the virgin, and the moon will be at her feet. She will have a crown of nine stars and three planets in alignment making 12 and Jupiter, symbol of deity, will be in the womb area, to exit at her feet. YouTube

    Christians might think the child that is birthed and caught up to heaven would be Christ, but if God guides the stars, and if He meant this “great sign” to be about the birth of Christ, He is 2000 years late!

    Ruhling says God is on time; He’s the Author of both nature and the Bible–the Bible reveals what we don’t see in nature, as he explains the following…

    God called Israel His “first-born” in Exodus 4:22. In other words, the Exodus was an example of a similar event that’s impending and the Exodus came at Passover, the biblical time of judgment, also for Christ and Jerusalem when Titus came in 70 AD.

    ‘History Repeats’ with the US Like Egypt  America has many parallels to Egypt as the greatest nation then and now. They killed babies; the US has aborted 60 million. Egypt enslaved Israel, but the US has enslaved most of its people with alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and drugs. Prescription drugs are a leading cause of illness and death, but we call it ‘healthcare.’ People are in bondage to food, gambling, greed, crime, sex, perversion, TV, violence, ‘music’, etc.

    God exercised judgment on Egypt and took Israel to a covenant, saying, “I am married to you,” Jer 3:14. That’s what Christ’s wedding parables are about.

    The apostle Paul included the Exodus in “All those things happened to them for examples…ends of the world.” 1Cor 10:1,11. Ruhling summarizes…

    Most people don’t see the “ends of the world” coming, but for people who read the Bible, there are numerous signs of concern. For example, the United Nations has September 21 as the International Day of Peace and its theme for this year is “Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and Dignity for All.” The Bible says, “When they shall say ‘Peace and safey,’ sudden destruction comes on them…” 1Thess 5:3.

    Ruhling says, If we see Jerusalem surrounded and taken next spring, it confirms “the day of the Lord” in Zechariah 14:1,2, and means judgment is impending on the US. In the meantime, we should be like Abe Lincoln who said, “I will study and get ready, and someday my chance will come.” Lincoln loved the Bible and said it was God’s greatest gift to mankind, “but for it, we would not know right from wrong…”

    Richard Ruhling offers more information at http://thebridegroomcomes.com/  and his ebook, God Bless America? is free Saturday, Sept 23 at http://amzn.to/2grtEQx

    Contact Detail:

    Company Name: Total Health
    Contact Person: Dr. Richard Ruhling
    Email: Ruhling7@juno.com
    Phone No: 9285837543
    State: Arizona
    Country: United States
    Website Url: http://RichardRuhling.com

    Source: www.PRExhibition.com

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    Wednesday, 13 September 2017

    Beware of Healthcare; It Should Be Self Care, Responsibility to Eat Wisely as the Main Ingredient

  • “Nature heals…let your food be your medicine” Hippocrates, Father of Medicine
  • Medical care is not healthcare. They have an inverse relationship. The more we get of one, the less we have of the other.

    “For 40 years, the pharmaceutical companies have strategized to re-label medical care as ‘healthcare,’ while suppressing news that their prescription drugs are a leading cause of illness, disability and death,” says Richard Ruhling, MD, a retired board-certified internist who taught Health Science at Loma Linda Univ, stating that what we put in our mouths is 90% of healthcare.

    Ruhling’s former wife died of another physician’s Rx for a urinary infection that wiped out her platelets and she died of a stroke in spite of hospitalizations with splenectomy, high steroids, gamma globulin and numerous transfusions.

    Ruhling visited US Senate offices with medical literature showing the pharmaceutical problem until one senator said, “You are wasting your time—they own us,” speaking of drug donations to their re-election campaigns.

    Big pharma played a major role in writing the 20,000-page Affordable Care Act that nobody read before they signed it into law. “He that answers a matter before he hear it—it is a shame and folly unto him,” Solomon. The Bible also says, “the gift blinds the wise,” Exodus 23.

    It seems damnable to Ruhling that most Bible translations hide the fact that pharmekeia is the Greek word that “deceives all nations” in Revelation 18:23, but they translated it as ‘sorcery.’

    This may come from the medieval times when alchemy and sorcery sometimes blended and the medieval church is now a major holder of pharmaceutical stock. So the call in Revelation 18 to come out of Babylon (confusion) and receive not of her plagues means more than religion.

    It’s a call out of all the confused systems for which government is a pusher today—medicine falsely called healthcare, education that dumbs children down and strips them of the morals taught by their parents, a correctional system that corrects very few, and a justice system that is proverbially blind and corrupt.

    Pioneers wisely limited big government as they crafted a constitution that enabled us to govern ourselves with fewer powers given to the state, and still less power to national government.

    John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Since President Reagan took a bullet and granted the pope’s wish for open borders, millions have crossed our border and America has changed.

    We are no longer the moral and religious people that our pioneers were. Half the population supports the other half, many of whom know how to type into Google, “How do I qualify for…”

    Dr. Richard Ruhling, author on current events and Bible prophecy , offers more information on his website at http://TheBridegroomComes.com  His latest book, God Bless America? is offered at no charge this Saturday at http://amzn.to/2grtEQx

    Contact Detail:

    Company Name: Total Health
    Contact Person: Dr. Richard Ruhling
    Email: Ruhling7@juno.com
    Phone No: 9285837543
    State: Arizona
    Country: United States
    Website Url: http://RichardRuhling.com

    Source: www.PRExhibition.com

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    Monday, 11 September 2017

    StreamNet.TV Crowdfunding Platform for Investors SEC Qualified REG A+ $18,000,000 offering at $5.00 per share

    LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, UNITED STATES – September 11, 2017 – StreamNetTV crowdfunding platform allows investors to purchase shares of stock directly from StreamNet. Inc. Investors have worldwide access to our crowdfunding portal. Says CEO Darryl Payne, I am excited to help introduce early stage investing and capital raising.  I certainly looking forward to performing and executing our business plan once all funding is completed. 

    StreamNet.TV would like to compete with Netflix, Hulu, Apple TV, YouTube, & Amazon Prime. Many channels will be available to consumers in HD, Virtual Reality, & 3D Commercial Free.

    SEC Qualification: 


    What is Regulation A+ 

    Reg A+ of Title IV of the JOBS Act is a type of offering which allows private companies to raise up to $50 Million from the public. Like an IPO, Reg A+ allows companies to offer shares to the public and not just accredited investors.

    StreamNet.TV: Building upon its direct relationships with legendary performers. Through the bridge of technology, the Company will deliver cross platform interaction to expand reach while improving the creators’ and consumer value model. StreamNet is taking the correct steps to become the next major streaming platform. The goal is to grow returns for our investors. We currently have many high-profile titles already secured. 

    Our Streaming Media Pay-Per-View Platform is currently live. Video content will be available for consumers to stream on over 400 mobile devices. Subscribers will be at the front line as our Ultra High Definition standard. 

    StreamNet shall expand the capability of the broadcast station, the introduction of Internet protocol media distribution, and interactive geography based consumer apps. StreamNet’s mission is to protect the rights of content owners and bridge the complex world of analogue, digital, HD, and new cloud based technologies. 

    Darryl Payne has a career spanning 41 years as a music producer and label owner. He has accumulated an extensive library of more than 40,000 masters and television shows featuring the world’s biggest entertainers. Mr. Payne’s produced concerts are recognized around the globe. His catalogs are used by music companies and television networks reaching into millions of homes.

    Interested investors can send an email for additional information.
    www.StreamNet.TV — info@streamnet.tv 

    Safe Harbor Statement: This press release contains forward-looking statements, including expected industry patterns and other financial and business results that involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements to differ materially from results expressed or implied by this press release. Actual results may differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements in this press release. Since this information may contain statements that involve risk and uncertainties and are subject to change at any time, the company’s actual results may differ materially from expected results. 

    CEO Darryl Payne Information

    Contact Detail:

    Company Name: StreamNet.TV
    Contact Person: Darryl Payne, CEO
    Email: Info@StreamNet.tv
    Phone No: 702 721 9915
    Country: United States
    Website Url: http://www.StreamNet.TV

    Source: www.PRExhibition.com

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    Saturday, 9 September 2017


    Shelley Roth’s Free Webinar will focus on “Shedding Light on What It Means to Be a Transgender Person”

    (Houston, Texas) – Shelley Roth, a published author and well known social media trainer, consultant and speaker with first-hand, real-world experience, takes on the subject of “Shedding Light on What it Means to Be A Transgender Person” in the upcoming Transgender Education Webinar.

    Roth’s webinar is slated to be held on September 14th from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Central Time with donations being accepted for www.glbthomeless.org.

    The webinar provides a unique understanding and appreciation of what it means to be a transgender person, and for businesses, why the use of pronouns affects your bottom line.

    Based on first-hand, real-world experience, combined with decades of practical business expertise, Roth tells their story and brings clarity to an often-confusing topic. By the end of this session, attendees will:

    • Increase understanding of what it means to be a transgender person
    • Have an awareness and sensitivity on how and why to address all customers and patrons in an inclusive manner, including those across and beyond the gender spectrum
    • Discover why businesses and organizations cannot afford to misgender customers, prospects and clientele
    • Gain understanding of the difference in gender, biological sex and sexual orientation

    About Shelley Roth

    Shelley Roth is an entrepreneur, social media trainer, speaker, consultant and author who loves helping people, organizations and teams improve marketing effectiveness, sales results and growth through conscious business principles. Shelley inspires and empowers students, partners, affiliates and clients from solopreneurs to small business to Fortune 500 firms.

    Roth is the author of several books, available on Amazon including Give to Grow: 9 Principles for Conscious Business, Social Media and Life and Don’t Call Me Ma’am: A Transgender Story of Living In A World Without Labels.

    To learn more about Shelley or register for this Free Webinar, please go to www.shelleyroth.com or http://bit.ly/transwebinar2   They are also reachable at sroth@shelleyroth.com or by calling 713 937.1006 for more information regarding questions or support.


    Contact Detail:

    Company Name: Perceptive Public Relations
    Contact Person: Sandy Lawrence
    Email: sandylawrence@perceptivemarketing.com
    Phone No: 2819898892
    Address: 13202 Dogwood Blossom Trail
    City: Houston
    State: Texas
    Country: United States
    Website Url: www.perceptivepublicrelations.com

    Source: www.PRExhibition.com

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    Authors Knows What to Expect When Hurricane Harvey Moves on And Recovery Process Begins

  • “I learned how much I didn’t know about how volunteers swarm in like a team of busy bees to help distressed folks overcome unbearable challenges. I soon realized those on the receiving side or giving side of the story need to know,” says Haueisen.
  • Authors Kathy Haueisen and Carol Flores have personal and professional experience with tropical storms and hurricanes that have roared through the Gulf Coast region

    9 September, 2017 – Houston, TX- Author Kathryn Haueisen lives in Houston. Houston is underwater. She’s been through this experience before with Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Ike. She knows something about what her community is going to go through for the next – who knows how long. That is why she helped former Bishop Paul Blom write God in the Raging Waters and then co-authored A Ready Hope: Effective Disaster Ministry for Congregations with her daughter Carol Flores. Flores began a career in disaster response several months after Katrina made landfall. She worked with Lutheran Social Services of the South, InterFaith Ministries, and Texas Health and Human Services.

    Both books describe the phenomenal influx of dollars and volunteers who show up on the scene to start the very long road to recovery. “I learned how much I didn’t know about how volunteers swarm in like a team of busy bees to help distressed folks overcome unbearable challenges. I soon realized those on the receiving side or giving side of the story need to know,” says Haueisen.

    Each disaster is unique. As they say in the Disaster Response world, “If you’ve seen one disaster, you’ve seen one disaster.” There are some predictable events that will happen. It is already happening in Houston.  While the rain was still coming down and the water levels all over town were still rising the predictable disaster response cycle began unfolding.

    People are eager to deliver used clothing and household goods but there isn’t yet a system in place to store and distribute them. The media has run out of new things to report so they repeat the same stories repeatedly – sticking microphones in faces of families desperate to find a missing pet or comfort a distraught child. National organizations and leaders second-guess decisions made by local leaders under the most trying of times.

    “We’ve seen this before. Disasters bring out the very best we have to offer our fellow citizens – and sadly, we also attract the worst of the opportunists who gouge and deceive desperate people,” said Haueisen.

    Both books – A Ready Hope: Effective Disaster Ministry for Congregations and God in the Raging Waters are available at Amazon.com. A portion of sales from either book will be donated to disaster relief organizations responding to Hurricane Harvey.

    Kathryn Haueisen, author, is a retired Lutheran pastor who worked with a disaster response agency for six months following three previous hurricane-related disasters in Texas and Louisiana.

    To reach Kathryn Haueisen or to schedule an interview:

    Contact publicist Sandy Lawrence:



    Contact Detail:

    Company Name: Perceptive Public Relations
    Contact Person: Sandy Lawrence
    Email: sandylawrence@perceptivemarketing.com
    Phone No: 2819898892
    Address: 13202 Dogwood Blossom Trail
    City: Houston
    State: Texas
    Country: United States
    Website Url: www.perceptivepublicrelations.com

    Source: www.PRExhibition.com

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    Thursday, 7 September 2017

    StreamNet, Inc. Qualified by the SEC Under Tier 2 Regulation A+ NYSE Symbol SNTV Reserved Offering 3.6 Million Shares at $ 5.00 per share

    LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, UNITED STATES, September 6, 2017) – StreamNet, Inc. is proud to announce that on September 5, 2017 the SEC declared StreamNet’s offering under Regulation A+ Tier 2 had been qualified for sale to investors. Says CEO Darryl Payne, “I am so overwhelmed to receive SEC qualification. We want to show our investors a strong commitment to transparency with the completion of our audit and all the additional required documentation. 

    Our team is now ready to enter various conversations with underwriters and various finra broker dealers. Making the best deal possible is extremely important to StreamNetTV.

    We have a clear path to hopefully commence trading on the NYSE in January 2018.

    I remain confident StreamNetTV can become a major player in the world of Pay-Per-View Video on Demand Streaming like Netflix and Amazon Prime. 

    Deals are on the table whereas StreamNetTV can acquire the master tapes to hundreds of thousands of titles. We look forward to closing this round of funding as soon as possible.” 

    What is Regulation A+
    Reg A+ of Title IV of the JOBS Act is a type of offering which allows private companies to raise up to $50 Million from the public. Like an IPO, Reg A+ allows companies to offer shares to the public and not just accredited investors. 

    StreamNet.TV: Building upon its direct relationships with legendary performers. Through the bridge of technology, the Company will deliver cross platform interaction to expand reach while improving the creators’ and consumer value model. StreamNet is taking the correct steps to become the next major streaming platform. The goal is to grow returns for our investors. We currently have many high-profile titles already secured. 

    Our Streaming Media Pay-Per-View Platform is currently live. Video content will be available for consumers to stream on over 400 mobile devices. Subscribers will be at the front line as our Ultra High Definition standard. 

    StreamNet shall expand the capability of the broadcast station, the introduction of Internet protocol media distribution, and interactive geography based consumer apps. StreamNet’s mission is to protect the rights of content owners and bridge the complex world of analogue, digital, HD, and new cloud based technologies. Darryl Payne has a career spanning 41 years as a music producer and label owner. He has accumulated an extensive library of more than 40,000 masters and television shows featuring the world’s biggest entertainers.

    Darryl Payne produced concerts are recognized around the globe. His catalogs are used by music companies and television networks reaching into millions of homes.

    Interested investors can send an email for additional information.
    www.StreamNet.TV — info@streamnet.tv 

    Safe Harbor Statement: This press release contains forward-looking statements, including expected industry patterns and other financial and business results that involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements to differ materially from results expressed or implied by this press release. Actual results may differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements in this press release. Since this information may contain statements that involve risk and uncertainties and are subject to change at any time, the company’s actual results may differ materially from expected results. 

    CEO Darryl Payne Information

    Contact Detail:

    Company Name: StreamNet.TV
    Contact Person: Darryl Payne, CEO
    Email: Info@StreamNet.tv
    Phone No: 702 721 9915
    Country: United States
    Website Url: http://www.StreamNet.TV

    Source: www.PRExhibition.com

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    Wednesday, 6 September 2017

    Hip, Health, Hope, and Housing

  • Will millionaire manufactured home owner Kid Rock make manufactured housing hip for the masses?
  • Hip, Health, Hope, and Housing – Kid Rock, Rev. Donald Tye ,Jr. and related news.

    Actively-retired black minister, addiction counselor, and businessman Donald Tye Jr. explained to MHLivingNews the connections between respect, home ownership, hope, and economic advancement. 

    It was in that context that publisher L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach says he first watched Kid Rock’s new music video, Po-Dunk

    HUD Secretary, Dr. Ben Carson, has spoken about the health and housing connection. Carson notes the average home owner has $200,000 net worth. Typical renters? $5,000. 

    Kid Rock’s net worth is reportedly some $80 million. He sold a mansion. He owns a multi-sectional manufactured home – which alongside his Rolls Royce, and jet – are featured in Po-Dunk

    Rock – a.k.a. Robert James Ritchie – uses salty language and imagery in Po-Dunk

    The video juxtaposes a pig with the grimy faces of poor whites and blacks. “My English professor would be impressed with the literary devices, and powerful storytelling,” said trade publisher Kovach. 

    “The video depicts the ‘grungy poor’ in Kid Rock’s video as Bible-loving, flag-waving, gun-toting, honky-tonkin’ Americans. In the background are older rustic houses, and older single-section manufactured homes,” Kovach said Tye explained. 

    Tye and Kovach recently issued a joint statement of hope and healing that condemned racism. 

    Tye explained to Kovach that Po-Dunk celebrates those workers that make America gritty, and great. 

    Tye raised his family in a factory-built home purchased in the early 1970s. It’s in a mixed neighborhood, with conventional houses. Dozens of each type of housing appreciated side-by-side. Per Zillow, Tye states that their home is worth some 400% of its original selling price. 

    “Reverend Tye asked my wife and I over breakfast, “what can someone earning $15 hourly afford to buy? A manufactured home,” he stated.”  The minister calls himself a manufactured home advocate, and hopes that Kid Rock will elevate the growing needs through his potential campaign.  

    Old racial stereotypes of blacks, Tye says, are as foolish as calling a manufactured home “the t-word.” Each prejudice are readily disproven. 

    Tye says high-rise “warehousing tenements” cost taxpayers; yielding drugs, and despair. 

    By contrast, the actively retired minister says homeowners pay taxes, “have hope, integrity.”  He says it’s the obvious solution to the growing affordable housing crisis. Billionaries are among those who own a manufactured home of their own. 

    Mansions, millionaire, muddy Americans. Will Kid Rock’s looming U.S. Senate run elevate manufactured homes, making their owners hip? That’s what the report on MHLivingNews explores, see the Po-Dunk video and report at this link here. ## 

    About LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC – DBA MHLivingNews and MHProNews. 

    MHLivingNews.com and MHProNews.com are the leading trade publications for consumers, manufactured homeowners, MH industry leaders, investors and public policy professionals who want up-to-date lifestyle and business news.


    Contact Detail:

    Company Name: MHLivingNews.com
    Contact Person: L.A.’Tony’ Kovach
    Email: tony@mhmsm.com
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    Website: http://manufacturedhomelivingnews.com/

    Source: www.PRExhibition.com

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    Israel: No Non-Jewish Marriages and How It May Change Soon

  • “When you see Jerusalem surrounded with armies, know its desolation is nigh”
  • Israel faces steep odds in the near future in spite of their technology. Trouble is not far away and seems to be prophetic.

    “A rabbinic court, or Sanhedrin, has ruled that a Jew who believes in Jesus as the Jewish Messiah is no longer considered a Jew for purposes of marriage in Israel. This makes it impossible for two Messianic Jews to get married inside the country.” WorldNewDaily.com, 9-2-17.

    Didn’t Moses say that the land would spew them out if they didn’t live by the law—the law that taught equality and freedom? Summarizing the law, the Messiah taught us to love God with all our hearts and our neighbor as ourselves.

    So how many times should we expect a spewing out? Moses and Ezekiel might help us see that Israel was not free to return when the United Nations gave them land, or do we think God can’t count? He said if Israel walked contrary to His law, that He would punish them seven times over (Leviticus 26).

    But Israel walked contrary for 390 years, according to Ezekiel 4. Seven times 390 years suggests 2730 years of exile that began in 722 BC when the Assyrians took Israel captive and they were scattered among the nations. The math is easy. 2730 minus 722 = 2008, but with no year “0” it is 2009, when Israel could have returned, but for one thing.

    Yeshua warned of an ‘abomination standing where it ought not’ in Mark 13. Early Christians understood that warning to be Rome and fled when Cestius came in 66 AD. Their fleeing spared them the siege by Titus in 70 AD. But Rome came to Jerusalem in 2009, when Pope Benedict was “standing where he ought not” and the sign to flee would over-ride Jewish freedom to return after their long exile.

    The United Nations is the beast system that the pope will ride in Revelation 17. Israel’s return (Aliyah) was premature and they are destined to trouble as this unfulfilled prophecy of Zechariah 14 shows—

    “I will gather all nations (United Nations? Arab nations?) against Jerusalem to battle. The house shall be rifled and the women ravished. Half the city shall go into captivity. Then the Lord will go forth to fight against those nations.”
    For more information on how this plays out, visit  http://IslamUSinProphecy.wordpress.com

    Zechariah’s context is the “day of the Lord” and the link above supports it as “the time of the end.” I can hear the skeptics laughing, but the vision in the link above, thought 2500 years old, is half-fulfilled with the war against Iraq and the death of Saddam. War against Iran has been discussed in Washington. The Bible transcends best-sellers.

    Dr. Richard Ruhling writes on current events and Bible prophecy. His article is excerpted from God Bless America? that has more information and is available at no charge Friday, September 8 at http://amzn.to/2grtEQx  Readers that don’t have Kindle, can download a pc app from the above webpage (no charge) that lets them read Kindle books. 

    Contact Detail:

    Company Name: Total Health
    Contact Person: Dr. Richard Ruhling
    Email: Ruhling7@juno.com
    Phone No: 9285837543
    State: Arizona
    Country: United States
    Website Url: http://RichardRuhling.com

    Source: www.PRExhibition.com

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    Friday, 1 September 2017

    No-Go Zones for US and How Militant Islam May Be Neutralized

  • “The vision is at the time of the end,” Daniel 8:17
  • Sharia Law may be coming to a neighborhood near you, but in the larger picture, but an ancient prophecy about “the time of the end” is half-fulfilled and offers promise of neutralizing militant Muslims. In a vision the mentions the Medes and Persians conquered by Alexander the Great, Gabriel told Daniel the vision is “at the time of the end” and Iraq (Medes) have already been defeated.

    “The jolting message contained in ‘No Go Zones: How Sharia Law Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You,’ is one of warning for America, which is in the process of building up its own no-go zones by making the same immigration mistakes now on full display in Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.” WND.com 

    Those countries have almost daily attacks with knives or vehicles while Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic rarely have them—they barred their doors to Muslim immigration. The Bible would warn us…

    1.8 billion Muslims claim Abraham as their patriarch and they celebrate Al-Adha, a ram sacrifice because Ishmael was spared when Abraham sacrificed a ram caught in a thicket.

    The Bible has the same story, but that it was Isaac who was spared in Genesis 22. Which is the true holy book? Daniel 8 offers a convincing picture that the God of the Bible “declares the end from the beginning,” Isaiah 46. Please consider how!

    Daniel saw a vision of a ram pushing north, west and south from the River Ulai. Reference librarians say that’s now called the Karun River by Kuwait where US troops deployed against Saddam. In Daniel 8, a ram angers a goat that flies from the west to stomp the ram, breaking its horns…it was the end of the ram.

    To understand this better, one needs to remember the biblical account that Ishmael was the result of Abraham not trusting God’s promise to make him a great nation when he was childless and Sarah was near 90. So Sarah gave Abraham her handmaid to help fulfill God’s promise.

    Does God need our help? Not if it means breaking His law to do it. Ishmael was not the son of promise, but Isaac was the focus of jealousy by Ishmael, and it’s still true as militant Islam now wants to drive Israel (the son of Isaac was Israel after his name changed) into the sea.

    To spare Isaac/Israel, Daniel 8 suggests that God is going to sacrifice a militant Muslim ram. The horns on the ram are the kings of “Media and Persia” (verse 20). Those horns were broken by Alexander the Great (verse 21), but “the vision is at the time of the end” (verse 17).

    That vision is half fulfilled by the death of Saddam as a US coalition flew from the west to break the first horn on the ram. Persia (Iran) will be the biblical focus of war for “the time of the end,” not North Korea, etc.

    So does God hate Muslims? No, He loves them, but He loves Israel as well, and He will sacrifice a militant ram that can’t be satisfied with its share of the Middle East. Greed is a bad thing.

    Islam may wonder why God would allow “the Great Satan to conquer them when the US brought them alcohol, tobacco, drugs, Hollywood, crime, sex and violence on TV. These are things that the Bible condemns, but they think this is Christianity.

    Daniel 8 is not about who God favors to win, but who that He sees will win. America will have its own time of judgment soon enough. After a military victory, the US’ “horn” gets broken, verse 8.

    On the positive side, Christianity teaches our duty to love our neighbor–others who need our help–treating them as we would want if we were in their situation. More than any other religion, Christianity has elevated women towards equality in society above the abuse that is seen in so many nations.

    Dr. Richard Ruhling is an author on current events and Bible prophecy with most of the above article from his latest book, God Bless America? on Amazon/Kindle and readers can get it at not charge Saturday, September 2 at http://amzn.to/2grtEQx  

    Contact Detail:

    Company Name: Total Health
    Contact Person: Dr. Richard Ruhling
    Email: Ruhling7@juno.com
    Phone No: 9285837543
    State: Arizona
    Country: United States
    Website Url: http://RichardRuhling.com

    Source: www.PRExhibition.com

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